Relationship Reading • Purpose • Vision • Mission •

Relationship Reading Gennye Lion

Understand the dynamics in your relationships to navigate your life for successful outcomes

Through a Soul Contract Reading, which decodes the Spiritual Map of Life, I can easily and accurately show you how the dynamics work in your family, relationships and with parenting your children. This includes showing you where things are working positively and creatively and also the areas of friction and difficulty. Gennye give you recommendations on how to manage these challenges. Through the understanding of your relationships, you can work much more consciously with those close to you and reach a place of great compassion for and acceptance of where someone else is in their life. This allows your relationships to become much more harmonious and loving.

Learn the root of the conflict and apply specific navigation tools and recommendations to achieve high levels of balance, love and harmony in your relationships

A Relationship Soul Contract Reading will help you to:

  • make sense of your experiences and put them into perspective
  • know where you are going in your relationship
  • open to a deeper level of yourself and your partner
  • give you recommendations on how to get to your desired outcome
  • achieve your best potential in this relationship

I had already had my first session with Gennye, but this was taken to a new dimension when Gennye did my reading in terms of relationships. This helped bring about a better understanding of why I have experienced challenges with certain people in my life and provided me with the tools to address these challenges and to build on the positives. Gennye has been there every step of the way for me. She has assisted me in moving forward with my life and discovering my true potential. Gennye, you are an angel, and I can't express enough gratitude for what you have done for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


To enquire about this process once you have had your 1:1 Soul Contract Reading follow this link to discuss with Gennye.

Prerequisite: A Soul Contract Reading with Gennye. Book your 1:1 Soul Contract Reading here.

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