New Earth Mentor,
Master Healer and Channel.

Helping leaders step into the highest version of themselves.

Are You Ready to Elevate Your Leadership Excellence?
Discover my unique training, “7 Levels of Embodied Leadership”

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Welcome to your gateway to releasing internal limitations and upgrading your human DNA.

Hi, I’m Gennye Lion Rainbow Anderzon. I help thought leaders and visionaries unlock their next leadership level by connecting them with their highest timeline through inner transformation and Lightbody Activations. I also help them match their frequency with the New Paradigm thinking and evolution.

Gennye is a master at helping you unblock things, whether in your business or relationships. She has a feast of resources and experience to draw on that can be applied to so many aspects of life. The clearing kit is really very powerful and was a complete pleasure to experience. Would not hesitate recommending Gennye for anyone looking to improve their energy in business and life.

EILISH JAMIESON | Executive Coach For Women | London UK

Book your Clarity Call and begin your upgrade

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