Unleash your Soul's mission, build a business or career that serves you, your family, and the world. Let me tell you more...

Rediscover and strengthen your connection to your inner wisdom and spiritual centre

I'm Gennye Lion Rainbow Anderzon, a married mum of 2 spirited children, healer, psychic, therapist turning mentor, and thought leader who pushes the spiritual boundaries as we traditionally know them.

I am a self-made spiritual leader, soon-to-be author, founder of Business Success the Energetic Way, and Visionary New Earth Leaders Podcast creator. I am known to give you a grounded approach to spiritual mastery while expanding my booming empire with new, innovative, energetic solutions for thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and organisations.

My expertise and programs continue to spread worldwide, as does my ability to bring out the best in you and your life. I am passionate about helping you open the doors to your Soul's highest expression in your life and business.

My own soul upgrade at 23 years old

At age 23, I had a strong spiritual experience with a Soul upgrade called a ‘reincarnation in the same body’. This left me feeling emotionally disjointed and confused about why I was here, my purpose, and what I was meant to do with my life.

After 2 years of integrating this experience, it spurred me to expand my consciousness, and ever since, I have been a continuous learner of spirituality and personal growth.

What I discovered was that there are only 2 reasons you are not living your fullest potential and playing at the level you are destined to:

You have energetic blocks (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic, DNA), and you don’t understand or know how to navigate your spiritual life map to create the reality you want.

And I get it! I’ve been there myself until I discovered how to release the blocks and tap into the highest version of me. Once you surrender to this journey of self-mastery, you will create an extraordinary life and business. Your business or career should be an extension of your Soul's mission.

I have dedicated my life to becoming the best possible healer and guide to help you in your journey towards spiritual enlightenment.

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Clarity Call

Healer, mother, daughter, wife, catalyst, Avatar of Light, Pleiadian Starseed, Lemurian Channel, Atlantean High Priestess, mentor and friend

Gennye Lion Portal

I’m here to help you become limitless

With over two decades of experience in energy, healing, coaching, and business mentoring, I aim to help you transform gracefully to have the life you love.

Ways to work with me

Feeling ready to go to your next level? Choose your journey by clicking below to view the different ways you can work with me.

Click here to view different ways to work with me

Are You Ready to Elevate Your Leadership Excellence?
Discover my unique training, “7 Levels of Embodied Leadership”

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