Divinity Accelerator

Do you suffer from any of the following?
- Headaches, migraines; chronic pain in the pelvis, hips, lower back or neck; numbness and tingling
- Digestive problems, heartburn or indigestion
- Fatigue, depression or sudden emotional outbursts
- Blocks in sexual or creative flow
- Changes in menstrual cycle and hormone balance
- Lack of centredness or grounding
- Weird or blurry vision
- Difficulty breathing, difficulty talking
- Memory loss, disorientation, dizziness, shakiness
- Feeling you are at the limit
- Lack of grounding.
If so, this is very common for those who are on a path of growth or are rising in consciousness. As we grow, we become aware of energetic blocks in our body which manifest as pain and discomfort for us. This is because our body is trying to absorb the Light and tries to release the separation programmes.
As the Higher Light descends into the body, it triggers primal survival patterns that are fear-based. Eventually the Higher Light will awaken the Adam Kadmon, the Divine Image of Man in our DNA.
Removal of these Divinity Thresholds alleviates the above symptoms and allows our Spirit to embody more fully.
Divinity Thresholds place a limit on how much of the higher frequencies our Soul can embody below our ribcage. These thresholds are in our pelvic area, back and legs, which are now overloading.
As we rise in consciousness the energetic devices become overloaded as pressure builds up, which can manifest in sharp headaches, pains in the chest, muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders, and unexpected deterioration of hearing, vision or thinking.
As a result of doing this work, you may experience:
- A feeling of expansion in consciousness
- Clearer thinking
- Better dream recall, lucid dreaming in dimensions higher than the astral plane
- More focus, self-confidence and centredness
- Gentle or sudden openings in psychic or multidimensional perceptions
- Feeling, connecting and embodying more of your mastery and divinity
- Deeper communion with Spirit; it becomes much easier to follow and recognise a Spiritual Signature (Direction from Spirit)
- Alleviation of physical pain; spontaneous physical, emotional or mental healing.
Work to be completed before we start this session:
Body Mind and Soul Realignment
Complete Soul Embodiment