Quadruple Grid Technique Personal • Stabilise • Clear • Optimise •

Keep clear and maintain inter-dimensional and inter-universal communication grids.
This process is designed to clear your fields of energetic junk. This technique requests the following groups of Light Beings to carry out their specific functions:
Legions of Michael: These are the angelic realms associated with Archangel Michael. They are good at infusing energy into a structure and maintaining the structure itself.
Grace Elohim: Divine lubricant. Looks like iridescent snow.
Ze’Or Continuum: These are a group of beings who originate from another universe. They are pure-energy beings, and they are the sentient embodiment of physical forces, such as gravity, electricity, magnetics, thermals, etc. They have come to assist Earth and her inhabitants through the electromagnetic shifts we are experiencing in preparation for Zero Point. They are always available to assist upon request.
Circle Security: They are like the cosmic traffic police. Their job is to set up, keep clear and maintain inter-dimensional and inter-universal communication grids.
In this technique, you ask the specific group to set up their level of the grid, designating the geometric shape, size and location. Spherical grids are the most stable.
Say this out loud or in your mind:
“Legions of Michael, grid level one spherical around me. Grace Elohim, grid level two spherical around me. Ze’Or Continuum, grid level three, spherical, around me. Circle Security, grid level four, spherical, around me.”
You will feel the spherical grids form around you.
“Grace Elohim, please spin your grids, spinning out astral entities, shame, guilt, mistrust, shock, trauma, stress, stray electromagnetic frequencies, fear, disharmony, anger, adverse astrological influences, expectation, frustration, viruses, funguses, bacteria, worry, astral distortions, miscommunications, sadness, enemy patterning, scarcity, loneliness, and anything else that hasn’t been mentioned in this or any other language that needs to leave the space at this time.” (Fill in anything else you feel needs to leave, depending on the situation.)
You will feel the field spinning in one direction and lots of energy residue leaving it. Wait for the field to completely clear. It will then slow down. When you feel it is done, say:
“Reverse spin same stuff.”
You will feel a pause as the field changes direction. Let it run until it has cleaned out the remaining energy, then say:
“Stop spin, thank you.
“Legions of Michael, please infuse your grid with the energies of Grace, Purity, Hope, Faith, Liberty, Peace, Harmony, Mercy, Rapture, Love and Victory Elohim, love, intimacy, the Unified Chakra, clarity, full connection to Spirit, tolerance, clear communication, health, abundance, following Spirit without hesitation, mastery, sovereignty, serenity, centredness, living Heaven, joy, wisdom, groundedness, stability, focus, surrender, and anything else that hasn’t been mentioned in this or any other language, but which you know needs to be in the space at this time."
When the field feels full of all the infused energy, say:
“Seal Grid, thank you.
“Ze’Or Continuum, please set your grid for harmonisation and optimisation of electrical, magnetic and gravitational frequencies. Please ensure that my fields remain harmonised with all of the electronic and mechanical devices in my space, and that I and the devices in my space remain harmonised in frequency with any electromagnetic surges, ley-line activity, Schumann Resonance, and any other electro-magneto-gravitational events and conditions occurring in this area. Thank you.
“Circle Security, please realign and reharmonize with upper dimensional gridworks, clearing all parasites and distortions off the grids. Infuse frequencies for clearer communication with Spirit.
“Seal Grid, thank you.”
For a quick EMF adjustment, such as when you are working near computers and other electronic devices (including the chips in your vehicles, pagers, cellular phones, cordless phones, etc.), say:
“Ze’or Continuum, please assist: please harmonise the frequencies of all electronic devices in my space to my fields.”