Clearing Other People’s Energies • Balance • Release • Maintain •

Free yourself from energies that don't belong to you.
As part of the growth process, some of us become very sensitive to other people’s energies. This can make you feel a bit crazy, off-balance, as though you are not yourself, heavy and exhausted. The tools I offer here are based on Divine Healing. They are based on the law of “Ask and you shall receive.” You can say this prayer aloud or silently, it will be equally effective. What is important is your intent. It is very good to do this process when you have been working with others as a therapist, if you have been in a crowded or busy place (shops, tube, airport), and after being on the internet.
Step 1:
“Mother-Father God, please reabsorb into your light all negative imprinted messages and energies that I have taken on from ______ (state who, e.g. the internet, my client) ________ relating to:
Programmes, Beliefs, Perceptions, Judgments, Expectations, Phobias, Mindsets, Blocks, Conditioning, Limitations, Value Systems, Discord, Patterns, Fears, Addictions, Dramas, Heartbreaks, Pain, Thoughtforms, Traumas, Attachments, Death Wish, Dogmas, Opinion, Doctrines, Vows, Contracts, Agreements, Promises, Pacts, Sacrifices, Grievances, Fractures, Transference, Projections, Excuses, Avoidances, Punishments, Sabotages, Sensitivities, Allergies, Wars, Defeats, Prejudices, Standards, Sexual Issues, Inhibitions, Battles, Shock, Toxicity, Defences, Depression, Dysfunction, Habits, Indoctrinations, Superstitions, Agendas, Illnesses, Diseases, Miasms, Arguments, Conflicts, Feuds, Emotion, Regulations, Rules, Criticism, Identification, Misidentifications, Dis-ease, Wounds, Illness, Imprints, Imbalances, Interferences, Revulsions, Desires, Needs, Disconnections, Shadows, Control, Pathology, Behaviours and Damage.
Please clear all these energies from my:
Physical body, Etheric body, Mental body, Emotional body, Astral body, Etheric Template body, Celestial body, Ketheric Template body, Spiritual bodies, Aura, Chakras, Organs, Endocrine system, Muscular system, Skeletal system, Nervous system, Lymphatic system, Respiratory system, Integumentary system, Urinary system, Cardiovascular system, Reproductive system, Digestive system, Cells, DNA / Genetics, Subatomic levels, Elements, Cell Membranes, Connective Tissues, Immune system, Circuits / Meridians, Cell Nuclei, Holographic Matrix, Physiology, Neurology, Universal Energy Field, Biochemistry, Other Incarnations, Other Realities, Higher Self, Water, Blood and Body Fluids at whatever level they reside in the highest and best good.
Thank You.”
As the energies release you may feel tingling in your body, sigh, yawn, or burp. Wait a moment until it feels like the energies have settled. Then say:
“Mother-Father God, I command all aspects of my being now return to 100% full energy, health, well-being, vitality, strength, vigour and youthfulness, and that all the tissues, vibrations and frequencies of my body, mind and soul renew and revive, regenerate and rejuvenate to hold and sustain higher levels of light. Thank You.”
Step 2:
“Mother-Father God, please release and cut all the Soul Cords, Past Life Cords, Genetic Cords, Relational Cords, Karmic Cords, Psychic Cords, Physical Cords, Energetic Cords, Emotional Cords, Mental Cords, Spiritual Cords, Other Relational Cords and Sexual Cords and attachments that I have made, or others have made to me, that no longer serve anyone. Please heal and repair each matrix multidimensionally, in all incarnations and time frames, to infinity and beyond including the Akashic records.
Please take everyone back to their centre and stabilise and strengthen the boundary of each Ketheric Template body. Thank YOU.”
Step 3:
“Mother-Father God, I give thanks that all cell and soul fragments that do not belong to me be returned to their original owner washed and cleansed through your light.
I give thanks that all cell and soul fragments that do belong to me be returned to me washed and cleansed through your light. Thank YOU.”