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Watch the Masterclasses and meditation replays
Every month I offer free live streams, meditations, and educational pieces of training on Facebook or in Masterclasses. Keep your eyes open for invitations via email or social media to join me live either through Facebook Lives or via Zoom Masterclasses.

Learn 10 Essential Abundance Mindset Shifts
Learn these 10 essential shifts to help you manifest more money!

How to Shift Your Reality with Love, Currency to Success
How to shift your reality with love ~ currency to success. There is a bonus tip at the end, make sure you catch it!

How to Access and Activate the Hidden Abundance Codes Within You
I'm so excited because in this training I will show you a simple process that will allow you to access and activate your hidden abundance codes with EASE! Practice this every day and watch your life unfold in magical ways!

Decode Your Genius
Sebastian and I joined the journey together to become Lightbody practitioners in 2017. And we have never looked back! In this interview, I will be talking to him about how we can navigate our lives for successful outcomes, helped by decoding our genius. Step one in starting to activate and embody your Inner Queendom is to tap into your deepest purpose, i.e. decode your genius. Do join us for this super fun, deep, and consciousness-expanding interview!

How to Harness the Energy of the Full Moon
The Full Moon is a time of heightened energy, activity, and emotions. You can access the power of Full Moon energy for about a week: three days before the Full Moon, on the day, and three days after. This gives you a wide window within which to plan a personal ritual or a group gathering.

The Roadmap to Unlimited Abundance in 3 Steps
Want to create the life you have always dreamed of and become Unlimited Abundance? There are 3 elements of awakening your mind and body to higher awareness; I categorize it into Connect, Clear, and Create. Find out in this video how to Connect to the Spirit, how to Clear your subconscious and energy blocks, and how to create from a space of Soul alignment.

Lionsgate Ritual
The Lionsgate Portal opens from July 26th to August 12th, but August 8th is the day when the energies are at their highest. All of this energy is going to enter our bodies and souls through the heart and third eye, so these are the chakras we are going to work on and activate in this ritual. You can use this ritual after the gate is closed, also; it's a powerful process that will help you raise your vibration.
Expert Interviews
Deepen your mind, body, and spirit connection, and explore transformation through consciousness expansion with the luminaries interviewed on The Energetic Mastery Show.
Unlock Your Limitless Life

The Energetic Mastery Show with Gennye Lion. My special guest is Susan Shatzer. She is a 12-time #1 International Bestselling Author and Worldwide Consciousness Revolutionary. Her grandstand is to raise the vibrational frequency on the planet, and she has been featured multiple times on national TV and radio. She is the executive producer and host of the global TV series Unlocking Your Limitless Life with Susan Shatzer. Susan has discovered where Science meets Awareness and how, surprisingly, hidden inside our biggest problems truly are our greatest possibilities.
Beyond Human: Who We Are Becoming

I'm so thrilled to have had Kristen Bielecki, Awakening Life Design Coach, Intuitive, Energy Healer, Crystalline Grid Network Architect and Intergalactic/Universal Council Member diving into the topic of multidimensional living.
Through several years of guidance and activations from Archangel Metatron, Melchizedek, and other Light Beings, Kristen facilitates transformations on all levels of one’s being to harmonize Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul, coming into clear connection with one's guides and Higher Self.
Explore Regression and Quantum Clearing to Raise Your Vibration

Explore regression and quantum clearing to raise your vibration with Luke Scott III.
Luke Scott III is a Spiritual Mentor, Award-Winning International Speaker, and Television Show Host. Luke is the founder of the StandOut Speakers Academy – a one-stop shop for everything you need to become a powerful public speaker who can influence MILLIONS of people around the world. Luke is also one of the founders of the Academy of Conscious Sexuality, which runs workshops, retreats, and online courses to teach adults and young people the steps to having amazing, loving, and conscious sexual experiences.
Attracting Wealth and Abundance with the Mother Mantra

Originating in the sacred practice of ancient shamanic yoga, the tradition of The Mother Mantra: The Ancient Shamanic Yoga of Non-Duality by Selene Calloni Williams (Inner Traditions, January 8, 2019) allows us to perceive the full complexity of reality and consciousness. Hidden at the heart of nearly all spiritual traditions, and taught for decades in the Swiss Alps, lie the powerful teachings of The Mother Mantra. Williams presents a guide to the healing practices, spiritual exercises, and secret rites of this tradition, showing how it allows us to overcome subconscious programming, release fears, and spiritually fuse with the Divine.
The History of Ascension

Our planet is going through a monumental shift in consciousness, and this shift has been building momentum for some decades. We are in an accelerated period of Ascension at this time. Watch this interview with Nicolas David Ngan, author of Amazon's No. 1 bestseller "Your Soul Contract Decoded".
How Ascension Will Move You Out of Fear to Love

Many on the planet are moving from a 3D density to a 5D density. A simpler way of putting it is that this planet is going from fear to love, from separation to unity consciousness. An interview with Nicolas David Ngan, author of Amazon's No. 1 bestseller "Your Soul Contract Decoded".
How Ascension Will Help You Create an Abundant Life

Affirmations are a great way to reprogramme your unconscious mind and shift your experience of reality into a higher, more abundant state. True abundance comes as we clear deeper layers of the ego separation programming. An interview with Nicolas David Ngan, author of Amazon's No. 1 bestseller "Your Soul Contract Decoded".
How Ascension Will Empower You to Live Your Purpose

The principle that helps us shift from 3D through 4D to 5D is to embody more of our sovereignty and soul power. As a result of this we feel called to 'live our purpose'. An interview with Nicolas David Ngan, author of Amazon's No. 1 bestseller "Your Soul Contract Decoded".
The New Earth and a Future in Light

We are living in remarkable times. Earth is increasing in VIBRATION and massive amounts of PLASMA frequencies are bombarding our planet due to our current position and trajectory in the Milky Way Galaxy. An interview with Christof Melchizedek, New Earth Architect and Mentor.
From Atheist to Spiritual Explorer through a Near-Death Experience

"Our true nature is infinite love, compassion, and consciousness. My near-death experience (NDE) taught me how to bring these qualities into my life here on Earth. You too can learn how to transform your life using heaven's wisdom." An interview with Nancy Rynes, Keynote Speaker, Author, Spiritual Teacher & Artist
The Role of Starseeds and the Ascension Process

Who/what are Starseeds? Why are you here? What is your role in shifting our 3D Timeline-Matrix into something very different? This is an inspiring account of the journey and what to expect. You are here to help transform the world. An interview with Steve Nobel, The Soul Matrix.
The Voice of Change

Throughout evolution, mankind has developed the potential of voiced sound, from home entertainment – singing, reading aloud, and storytelling – to sacred chant, and the use of voice for healing. But, the mechanistic reductionist trends of the last three centuries have robbed many of us of the power of our voice. In this interview, we discover how we can connect to our Soul through our Voice. An interview with Stewart Pearce, The Alchemy of Voice
Working with the Heart, Transcending the Illusion

We can become better decision-makers by removing the deeply embedded programming that blocks inner connection and flow. Outer success arises from the optimal performance of the internal structures for decision-making. This means aligning and integrating the thinking, heart, body, intuitive, and energetic minds. An interview with Harun Rabbani, International Speaker, Author, and Energy Coach
Money, Flow and Unlimited Abundance

What if there was a faster, easier, simpler way to create EVERYTHING that you see in your heart? A way that allows you to let go of the need to analyze all the blocks, heal all the wounds, and feel good enough before you finally permit yourself to receive what you want. An interview with Cristina Bold, Money Mindset Mentor
How to Reverse Procrastination and Raise Your Vibration

Procrastination isn’t just a human problem. Newton’s First Law of Motion says that a body at rest will stay at rest until compelled to do otherwise. Dare we say it? The entire universe procrastinates. How do we raise our Vibration through reversing procrastination? An interview with Milena Grozdanic, Procrastination Coach