Family Coaching • Purpose • Vision • Mission •

Decode your name and family names to easily and accurately navigate your relationships, and parenting your children
Through a Soul Contract Reading, which decodes your Spiritual Map of Life, I can easily and accurately show you how the dynamics work in your family, relationships and with parenting your children. In the initial consultation, we work through particular ‘hotspot’ areas, and I will give you the tools to handle them in a positive and constructive way straight away. A one-off consultation may be sufficient or a package can be tailored to suit your needs. You will leave the session with an action plan to tackle your area of concern.
I can help you find the root of conflict and design an action plan how to move forward
This includes showing you where things are working positively and creatively and also the areas of friction and difficulty. I will give you recommendations on how to manage these challenges. With your children I can help you develop a customized, child-specific parenting strategy that is in alignment with their soul’s purpose, to allow for the full expression of their energy.
Through the understanding of your relationships, you can work much more consciously with those close to you and reach a place of great compassion for and acceptance of where someone else is in their life. This allows your relationships to
become much more harmonious and loving.
I can help your children with:
- Optimize their Soul potential
- Address issues that are blocking your child’s potential
- Social skills
- Eating issues
- Sleeping issues
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Learning difficulties
- Highly sensitive children
- Tantrums
- Conflict
- Power struggles
- Bullying
- Anger issues
- Shyness
- Learning difficulties
- Socially impaired children
- Speech, interaction and confidence
“Through Gennye’s Devices Removal Session as a part of the Lightbody Activations, I connected deeply with my conscious energy body and felt a weight around my left hip / lower back area. I was blown away by the instant feeling in my left hip – as though I was growing or lengthening in some way. To be honest, I felt a bit freaked out – but in a good way. Thank you, Gennye, I can’t believe what I’ve experienced with the Lightbody, Soul Contract Reading and Divine Healing work we have done together. It has given me so much opportunity for growth and I’m so very grateful.”
Prerequisite: A Soul Contract Reading with Gennye. Book your 1:1 Soul Contract Reading here.