Business Reading • Purpose • Vision • Mission •

Tap into Your Soul Contract for Leadership Excellence

Maximises success in your business by ensuring that your current business energy is in alignment with your Soul's mission and your trading name(s)

A Soul Contract Business Reading will help you understand if your business is running at its highest potential, and if it is not, you will be given recommendations how to change this to maximise success in terms of alignment, impact and financial success.

This work will help you:

1. Understand and align to your primary life challenges, abilities, drives and life purpose

2. Refine your business goals so they are a true expression of your life purpose

3. Develop and express these qualities and goals in the outer world through your business by optimising the flow of spiritual energy from the birth name and the current/optimal name into the names of your:

  • business (legal, trading, holding
  • company)
  • products
  • services
  • website addresses
  • email addresses

Which will then transmit the optimal attracting energy to draw enthusiastic customers from the niche market you are addressing who are very eager to do business because they are:

  • Already aligned to what you have to offer as trust has already been built energetically
  • Building trust with a customer is priceless and it normally takes an average of three contacts with a business before they
    commit to buying something.
  • Because of the optimal attracting energy we have been using, most of our customers were ready to commit immediately to working with us on first contact.

4. Enhance interpersonal relationships within your business to make it run more smoothly and synergistically including:

  • Finding the right people for specific positions
  • Building jobs around a person’s strengths to maximise their potential, performance, contribution and sense of job satisfaction both individually and within teams
  • Developing optimal people management strategies specifically tailored for each individual and for entire teams
  • Minimising conflict in the first place and where it does occur achieving more efficient resolution
  • Improving client, supplier, business partner and associate relationships

Working with the Soul Contract as the navigation tool for your business goals and impact in the world, will speed up your journey to get to your goals quicker

Gennye is a master at helping you unblock things, whether in your business or relationships. She has a feast of resources and experience to draw on that can be applied to so many aspects of life. The clearing kit is really very powerful and was a complete pleasure to experience. Would not hesitate recommending Gennye for anyone looking to improve their energy in business and life.

EILISH JAMIESON | Executive Coach For Women | London UK

To enquire about this process once you have had your 1:1 Soul Contract Reading follow this link to discuss with Gennye.

Prerequisite: A Soul Contract Reading with Gennye. Book your 1:1 Soul Contract Reading here.

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Clear Your Energy and Activate Your Prosperity

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