Baby Naming • Purpose • Vision • Mission •

Baby Naming Gennye Lion

Give your baby the optimal name to help navigate their life for successful outcomes

Choosing your baby’s name is perhaps one of the most important things you will do for your child. This is because sound is creative and so the sound of your baby’s name will set in motion the energies and forces that will mould his/her entire life. According to Soul Contract Reading, every name has inherent lessons that need to be overcome and goals to be achieved. I can help you choose an optimal name so that your child has the best possible start in life. This reading will also give you an in-depth understanding of your child so you can help them to develop their potential and be happy.

Choosing the right name for your baby can help them navigate their life gracefully in childhood and adulthood

To enquire about this process once you have had your 1:1 Soul Contract Reading follow this link to discuss with Gennye.

Prerequisite: A Soul Contract Reading with Gennye. Book your 1:1 Soul Contract Reading here.

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